Rights denied in schools

LICA joins the campaign led by https://www.innclusiva.org/derechosnegados, which seeks to collect stories that show the barriers to access to education for students. Join #DerechosNegados and record cases and stories of discrimination against children and young people with disabilities in public and private schools throughout Colombia, both in cases of denial of admission and in cases of not receiving a relevant educational process.
We need to know and collect stories, to unite and show that these are NOT isolated cases, but that it is recurring, that urgent attention is needed from authorities, control organizations and society in general.
Has your child or family member been a victim of school rejection and/or discrimination? Do you know boys, girls or young people in similar situations? Fill out the form or share it here https://www.innclusiva.org/derechosnegados
If you don't know of close cases, but want to join the fight for the right to inclusive education, sign our petition and make it reach more people https://chng.it/S4sk4NRxzP .